Tag Archive | From Now On

From Now On by Amelia Henley

So Very Beautiful

From Now On by Amelia Henley is the most beautiful contemporary novel that totally consumed me. I never wanted it to end.

The novel is about love, loss and family. There are many different types of love – friendship, family, partner and more. Each one requires a step towards another, of making ourselves vulnerable to hurt. If we love deeply, we may hurt deeply too – but it is always worth giving love a chance.

The novel is also about loss. It is a loss that tears souls apart. It hurts. Each family member wades through grief and guilt. β€œHe ate the cookie dough. He caused this and deserves to feel terrible forever.” So raw is the pain, that a character decides he must punish himself and withdraws from his passion and gift of musical talent.

Another character drowns in guilt because she was too busy to say a proper goodbye.

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