Tag Archive | Cynthia Ruchti

Facing The Dawn by Cynthia Ruchti

The Strength-Giver

Facing The Dawn by Cynthia Ruchti is the most beautiful Christian tale about love and loss and hope.

Cynthia Ruchti writes with care and compassion as the reader immerses themselves in her beautiful words. Facing The Dawn is like a hug from Jesus in a book.

The reader will not be able to read this book and remain unchanged. We ‘see’ and ‘feel’ the hope and love of Jesus. A character asks ‘what is the antidote to fear?’ The answer is ‘love’. Jesus is love.

The grief is raw and palpable. “I’m doing all I can to squeeze out ‘Jesus, help!’ from time to time. No offense, but I can’t read your Word right now.” We witness a character drowning in grief. Sometimes all we can do is cling on to Jesus and rest in His presence. He understands our pain. He understands our needs. “You do understand if I don’t have it in me to sit beside people who all want to put their arms around me.” Sometimes we just need to be alone. To deal with others is just too hard. Jesus understands. The reader ‘feels’ the desperate sadness of the character.

Cynthia Ruchti is masterful with her pen as she paints the raw emotions. “Hope… stripped away by the ravenous ravens of grief.” We can empathise with the character.

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Miles From Where We Started by Cynthia Ruchti

Just Add Humans

Miles From Where We Started by Cynthia Ruchti is a beautifully written Christian contemporary novel. The words are healing balm for your soul. Let them wash over you and restore your hope in love. The story is “in search of a secret passageway to hope.”

Cynthia Ruchti writes about issues that are relevant. In this novel there is a marriage in crisis. “Marriage isn’t about avoiding discomfort. It’s about commitment.” Possible health problems become a road block in a relationship. Instead of running towards each other, fear pulls away. When fear rules our life, there is no room for God. We need to exercise our faith muscle so at the end of our lives, people say “She walked as deliberately as she could… toward Jesus. I didn’t lose her.”

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A Door County Christmas by Various

The Christmas Cacti

A Door County Christmas is a wonderful collection of four Christian Christmas tales. All are unique but linked by Christmas cacti, common themes, locations, characters and events. The reader is in for a real treat. So grab yourself a copy, sit back and enjoy.

The Heart’s Harbor by Cynthia Ruchti is a delightful, warm tale with wonderful characters that will lodge in your heart. The action revolves around festive fare and an inn at Christmas. Taste buds are tempted. Romance bubbles. Meddling is guaranteed. With warmth and humour make this a fabulous opening story.

Ride With Me Into Christmas by Rachael Phillips is delightful, showing no matter how old we are, God still has plans for us. Romance is not just for the young. Romance in the twilight years is a gentle affair. Grief, forgiveness and prayer are also themes. Love and kindness when coupled with prayer can change hearts. A wonderful tale.

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A Fragile Hope by Cynthia Ruchti

With Love, Jesus

A Fragile Hope by Cynthia Ruchti is a contemporary Christian novel. It is the most beautiful book. Once again, Cynthia Ruchti has washed over my soul with her words. A Fragile Hope will make you cry but it is so beautiful that it will leave you feeling calm and with a peace that can only come from an intimate acquaintance with the God who loves you.

A Fragile Hope has many themes including steadfast love from God who “never says ‘go away.’ ” God’s presence permeates the novel. He shines through Cynthia Ruchti’s word and His love pierces my heart. God’s love has no boundaries. Jesus went to the cross “on the night He was betrayed” for everyone of us. “A Man deciding – choosing – to love.”

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