A Fragile Hope by Cynthia Ruchti

With Love, Jesus

A Fragile Hope by Cynthia Ruchti is a contemporary Christian novel. It is the most beautiful book. Once again, Cynthia Ruchti has washed over my soul with her words. A Fragile Hope will make you cry but it is so beautiful that it will leave you feeling calm and with a peace that can only come from an intimate acquaintance with the God who loves you.

A Fragile Hope has many themes including steadfast love from God who “never says ‘go away.’ ” God’s presence permeates the novel. He shines through Cynthia Ruchti’s word and His love pierces my heart. God’s love has no boundaries. Jesus went to the cross “on the night He was betrayed” for everyone of us. “A Man deciding – choosing – to love.”

Within the novel there is also the steadfast love of a family who refuse to give up on hope. They press on. They push on. They have a hope in the One who can heal. “No matter how high your problems mount, remember the One who scales the mountains.”

This theme of hope resides on every page. “Hope doesn’t have an expiration date.” To fan hope into life sometimes just “needs a little oxygen.” We can all have hope inside us because of Jesus, because of His sacrifice, because He never gives up. “Jesus… he knew he really had no other hope.”

The novel also has the theme of grief, a grief that continually washes over one. “Grief doesn’t know how to tell the time.” A grief for the ‘what-if’s.’ “what-if’s stung him like fire ants.” As well as the ‘oh no’s.’ But not a grief that is without hope because of Jesus.

The power of prayer is revealed in the novel. “God leans forward… when He hears a gutsy prayer.” Sometimes all we can do pray is “Oh Lord God.” God always hears us and He always answers and He always draws near. ” ‘I didn’t think He’d answer’… ‘He always answers.’ ” Prayer may be silent from the heart or it may be from a prayer team. “I’ll get the prayer team mobilised.” Prayer is always powerful because it is sent to God.

A Fragile Hope is a book that will soothe your soul. Tears can be healing. Tears will fall. The novel is just the most beautiful book ever. Cynthia Ruchti’s books are always powerful. I am always deeply affected by her words. A Fragile Hope has penetrated my very being as Cynthia Ruchti’s words have come from her heart and from her Maker, straight to my heart.

A Fragile Hope is just so beautiful that I am at a loss to adequately describe it. You need to experience the beauty for yourself. Please read A Fragile Hope and let Cynthia Ruchti’s inspiring words wash over you and calm your soul.

Bless you Cynthia Ruchti for your beautiful, heartfelt book.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




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