Tag Archive | Cynthia Ruchti

Restoring Christmas by Cynthia Ruchti

Hope Restored

christmasRestoring Christmas by Cynthia Ruchti is a beautiful contemporary Christian romance. Cynthia Ruchti writes the most delightful novels that draw me in from the very first page and keep me hooked to the end. Her novels are always honouring God and contain wonderful characters. Her words always warm my heart.

Restoring Christmas is about restoring the real meaning of Christmas. “Restoring what’s been damaged – the human-God connection.” It is about the gift of hope to a hurting world. “Hope isn’t always shiny.” Hope is what can bring a smile to our faces and a beat to our heart.

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Song Of Silence by Cynthia Ruchti

Be Blessed

Song of SilenceSong Of Silence by Cynthia Ruchti is a contemporary Christian novel and oh what a powerful read it is. I love everything that Cynthia Ruchti writes and always know that I will be in for a real treat, but Song Of Silence is something extra special. It is brutally honest, it is touching and it is hauntingly beautiful.

Lucy lives, sleeps and eats music. As funding is cut, so music disappears from the curriculum and Lucy loses not only her job but her passion. And even worse, she loses her joy “when they closed down the music program they stole the joy of music.”Song Of Silence deals with how to continue living when everything inside feels like it is dying. The rug pulled out from under her, how will Lucy survive? Every day is a struggle.

Cynthia Ruchti writes sensitively about forced early retirement. When one’s purpose for breathing is removed, how does one cope? Lucy experiences a myriad of emotions which are easy to empathise with. Lucy refers to herself as “driveable but broken.” She is going through the motions of living but is unsure about what the future holds.

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An Endless Christmas by Cynthia Ruchti

Outrageous, Extravagant Love

An Endless ChristmasAn Endless Christmas By Cynthia Ruchti is another wonderful novel from an author who never fails to warm me with her writing.

Katie joins Micah for his family Christmas at his grandparents Wilson and Dodie Binder. The whole family is there. The ground is covered with snow. Good food is on the table. Christmas traditions abound. An Endless Christmas is not just a delightful, heart warming novel, it is so much more. It is love in action. Christ’s love as described in 1Corinthians:13 is worked out in the pages of this beautiful novel.

Love is not just a warm fuzzy feeling, it is an action. Cynthia Ruchti shows within the pages of the novel, that for love to last, it must be worked at, preferably in partnership with God. Nothing flourishes without some effort being put in.

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