Tag Archive | A Love To Last A Lifetime

A Love To Last A Lifetime by Clare Swatman

Serenely Beautiful

A Love To Last A Lifetime by Clare Swatman is a serenely beautiful contemporary novel about love.

Love comes in many forms – the love of parents and children, between friends, husbands and wives, and an all-consuming love.

This all-consuming love happens once in a lifetime to two characters in different generations. Both have been wrenched away from the love that consumed and both have memories to keep them warm. Would the love have remained if left to run its’ course? Or would it have fizzled? We shall never know. Outsiders decided it was good boy vs. wild boy, and every parent wants their daughter to marry the stable influence – but is that enough to be a love that lasts a lifetime?

There is the love between three friends. We all want to have friends who love us enough to tell us the truth in love. Friends who want the best for us and who will support us through all of life’s highs and lows.

We see the heartbreaking topic of early onset dementia. A character has faded but just occasionally we get glimpses of the lively girl she once was. Dementia affects all those around us. “That mum, the one who made me feel safe, protected, was still in there somewhere, hidden beneath the cruel cloak of dementia… I missed her.”

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