Cut Short by B D Spargo

Absolutely Thrilling

Cut Short by B D Spargo is an absolutely thrilling contemporary crime suspense that I just could not put down. It is the first book in the DCI Liam Doyle Thriller series and I cannot wait for the subsequent books.

The action is set in present day, with flashbacks to 1996 and 1999. As the story opens, we hear the cruel voice of the perpetrator. The reader does not know who or why. As the novel progresses, bit by bit a character is revealed, and the who and why are answered.

As we follow a character, we fear for those who cross their paths.

Tension rises, heightened by the isolated, unforgiving landscape. The reader’s heartrate rises and sweaty palms ensue!

All the characters were well drawn and believable. I followed all the action, instantly liking some of the characters but not others. My responses were guided by the author’s marvellous pen.

B D Spargo is a fabulous author who vividly paints the scenes with his words (too vividly at times!) I ‘walked’ through the action, ‘seeing’ it in my mind’s eye.

We learn how our upbringings influence the adults we become. Putting all our emotions into just a single person is too much to bear. When disappointment strikes, all our cards will come crashing down.

There needs to be co-operation between the law enforcement officers and those they interact with. We see the importance of good leadership as the agencies pull together.

We glimpse into the home life of the main character which helps to make him fully rounded and human.

I was completely engrossed in Cut Short. It totally consumed my waking hours. It would make a marvellous television series (I might have to watch some scenes behind a cushion though!) I look forward to reading much more from B D Spargo.

I received a free copy from Rachel’s Random Resources for a blog tour. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.

A word of caution: there are some scenes and language which some readers may not like.


Cut Short

Detectives can’t bury their mistakes, murderers can.

DCI Liam Doyle is haunted by the demons from his past and the challenges of the present: a broken marriage, a tarnished reputation, and a troubled young son who needs him. He’s newly moved out of south London – and out of his comfort zone.

When a murdered woman is found at a Lancashire beauty spot in his new patch. Doyle is tasked with finding her killer, along with his new detective sergeant, Anna Morgan.

As the investigation progresses, it becomes clear that things are not as they seem. A clever killer has created a complex web of deceit and is always one step ahead of Doyle … and the bodies are mounting up. Is the past the key to unlocking the present? When the stakes get higher, Doyle’s need to find the killer becomes personal and the detective is plunged into a desperate race against time. Will Doyle succeed before he has another dead body on his conscience?

Played out across the rugged Lancashire landscape, Cut Short is a gripping crime thriller layered with plot twists and sprinkled with humour. This fast-paced novel, the first in a series featuring DCI Liam Doyle, will have readers on the edge of their seats.

If you have enjoyed books by authors such as Ian Rankin, Stuart MacBride, JD Kirk and Alex Smith, you won’t want to miss Cut Short.

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Author Bio –

Fast approaching fifty; without enough money for a sports car, BD Spargo decided to express his mid-life crises by turning to crime …

Thankfully for pretty much everyone this meant writing crime fiction rather than anything more nefarious. Originally from London, he spent his early career working in television and theatre including on the Ruth Rendall Mysteries broadcast on ITV.

A life changing accident necessitated retraining and a change of direction going on to work in mental health services. This culminated in ten years managing a groundbreaking forensic psychiatric service. He now lives in Lancashire with his family and is getting acclimatised to the rain.

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