One Christmas Morning by Rachel Greenlaw

Your Choice

One Christmas Morning by Rachel Greenlaw is a simply beautiful contemporary novel that will warm your heart.

Though the setting is Christmas, this book is perfect and relevant for any day. It is about the choices we make and the consequences of those choices. Very rarely can we have a do-over but we can learn from past choices and make wiser choices in the future.

The book is also about grief and loss. No two people ever walk the exact same road but we can be there to support others. We do need to acknowledge our grief and let others help us. We were never meant to journey alone.

And the book is about love – between partners, friends and even work colleagues. We all need love. We need to give love and we need to receive love.

Everyone is fighting their own battles. Unless we have walked a mile in their shoes, we have no idea what others are facing. What would you do if you could be someone else for twenty four hours?

Christmas is a time for miracles. An old house conjures up past ghosts. One Christmas Morning is a unique blend of A Christmas Carol meets Sliding Doors meets Groundhog Day. It is beautifully written. Rachel Greenlaw has managed to capture the love, the grief and the pain – and although the scenario is totally unbelievable, we don’t really mind. Her words make it feel as if maybe, just maybe… Christmas is a time for miracles after all.

I adored One Christmas Morning and I want to read more by Rachel Greenlaw.

I received a free copy via Net Galley. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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