Ebony The Cat by Frances Ive

Just Purrfect

Ebony The Cat by Frances Ive is a charming tale and just perfect for ages eight and over. This is a cat-lovers delight.

Ebony The Cat is told from the point of view of Ebony. This enables us to see the world as she sees it. We can help our children to understand why cats behave as they do. Often fear is a motivating factor. We hear about her life as a stray cat after her owners dumped her, and her search for a new home.

Life is hard as a stray cat. There are so many dangers to look out for. Life within a house can be confusing too.

Throughout the novel there are fun facts about cats in comparison with humans and dogs. You can be educated as well as entertained.

As a crazy cat lady, my heart went out to Ebony. Her tale is similar to our twelve year old black and white rescue cat who was found at a year old with kittens, wandering the streets of Coventry. We were her fourth and forever home. I felt a clear connection to Ebony.

This is a truly adorable book for cat lovers everywhere.

I received a free copy via Rachel’s Random Resources for a blog tour. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


Ebony the Cat – A quest for survival

Enigmatic, quirky, moody, demanding, loving, amusing, domineering and determined all apply to Ebony. Follow her life story from a stray kitten to a mature feline, in her own words.

Ebony was just eight months old when she was left to fend for herself on the streets, abandoned and alone. The black cat had to learn how to hunt, find shelter, procure food and protect herself from predators. The experience shaped her personality forever. She became a wily, capable little cat before she was reported to a rescue charity and taken to live in a large wooden hut. She was safe and well fed, but she longed for the freedom to be roaming around in nature, practising the skills she had learnt.

Would she find a home and owners who loved her, not abandon her once again?  Could she settle down and be a good domestic cat? This was the quandary for the people who took her and within months she presented them with a bundle of surprises.  A novella.

Purchase Links

Author Bio –

Frances Ive has been a writer throughout her life as a journalist, health writer and author. Recent fiction includes Finding Jo, Brown Eyes and now the novella, Ebony the Cat.

Social Media Links –   Twitter: https://twitter.com/healthysouluk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FindingJoFrancesIve  

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fivewrite/

Website for books: www.fivewrite.co.uk  (Health website: www.healthysoul.co.uk)

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