Nineteen Steps by Millie Bobby Brown

The Bulldog Spirit

Nineteen Steps by Millie Bobby Brown is a truly inspiring, powerful historical tale that is based on fact.

The novel opens in the autumn of 1942 in Bethnal Green in London. We ‘travel’ through the remainder of the war with the community, focusing in on two families who are next door neighbours.

As we journey, we learn about events on one fateful night in early 1943 in Bethnal Green tube station. We see the repercussions across the community. The reader is educated about what was kept secret for thirty five years after the event.

We witness the indomitable bulldog spirit. As a community pulls together. “Nothing would lessen [her] pain… But these kindnesses, from people who had so little themselves, touched her.” Though the people have little in the form of material goods, they have huge hearts that love, care and support.

In times of war there will be loss. It is always senseless and painful. There is a grief that cuts so deep, that other emotions bubble up. People become angry. They throw blame. And they shoulder guilt – but sometimes tragedies just happen and no one individual is to blame. Corporate institutions are a different matter entirely.

Love still blossoms in times of war. Plans are made, waiting for war’s end.

We ‘feel’ jubilation in May 1945 as we see the celebrations of the community for V.E. Day. The community live together. They love together. And they mourn together.

All the characters are well-rounded individuals. They were an eclectic mix and all are likable and realistic.

I adored Nineteen Steps and devoured it in just two sittings. I am sad that it is ended. I hope Millie Bobby Brown writes many more books.

I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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