If I Were Invisible by Lily Lawson

Easily Relatable

If I Were Invisible by Lily Lawson is a charming book for the under fives.

The whole book is simply constructed in rhyme, making it easy for our children to join in. Each page prompts a discussion with our children – would you like to be invisible? Why? Or why not?

We see the importance of family and friends.

The whole book is simply illustrated by Gustyawan. There is so much detail within each page. It is easy to relate to the main character.

This is a really fun book that would enhance any child’s personal library. I think every early years classroom should have a copy too.

I received a free copy via Rachel’s Random Resources. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


If I were Invisible

Think of all the things we could get away with if nobody could see us! But how long would the fun last, if we had to do it all alone?

Purchase Link – https://mybook.to/IfIwereInvisible

Author Bio –  

Lily Lawson is a poet and fiction writer living in the UK.

She has poetry, short stories, and creative non-fiction

published in anthologies and online

in addition to her poetry books

My Fathers Daughter,

A Taste of What’s to Come,

and Rainbow’s Red Book of Poetry

and her kids’ books

Santa’s Early Christmas,

The Palm Tree Swingers Island Band

and If I Were Invisible…

You can find out more about Lily

and read more of her work on her blog.

Subscribers to Life with Lily are the first to hear all her writing news.

You can sign up here.

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