The Good Liars by Anita Frank

Wow! – So Good!

The Good Liars by Anita Frank is an absolutely marvellous historical, psychological suspense that I just could not put down.

Anita Frank drew me in from the start with my questions as to what had happened and why would a name be missing? As I read on, my responses to characters were guided by the artistic pen of Anita Frank. The further I got into the book, the faster my heart beat as the tension rose ever higher. The conclusion was superb.

The book is set in 1920. The first world war is over but it has far-reaching effects. Lives have been blighted by experiences at the Front. Not all scars are visible, many souls returned tormented. Mind ravaged lives as the battle fields lived on in their heads.

Terrible lashing rain leaves a landscape submerged, reminding the reader of the landscape of war. As the rain falls and the sky darkens, the action within a country house mirrors the weather.

The Good Liars is written within the gothic style as an old house has dark corners, attics, basements and creepy goings on.

Life before World War I was in contrast, light-filled – but someone is hiding a dark secret. The reader wants to know who. We read on, trying to guess, until the superb conclusion hits us like an express train.

The Good Liars  is a fabulous read. Once I had begun it, I just could not put it down – secrets and lies; light and dark; peacetime and war; plus a fabulous cast of characters – grab yourself a copy of The Good Liars today.

I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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