New Neighbours For Coronation Close by Lizzie Lane

A Snapshot In Time

New Neighbours For Coronation Close by Lizzie Lane is a marvelous historical novel that I thoroughly enjoyed.

The book is set in Bristol in 1936 and provides a social commentary on the times. We see terrible slum conditions that some find themselves living in. This contrasts with the new council houses. There were waiting lists but once in your house, there were some surprising rules and regulations to follow. Drop-in inspections also happened.

We witness the camaraderie that slum living created. Bonds formed in adversity remained. People shared what little they had, with those who had even less.

Friendships grew up in the council estates but it seemed harder to make them as people didn’t live so closely together.

We see the historical context too with Edward VIII coming to the throne and having to choose duty or love. Oswald Mosely and his blackshirts began their reign of intimidation and terror. And Stanley Baldwin was Prime Minister – this always resonates with me as he was a son of Bewdley, where I live, and there is a lovely statue of him in the town and also a plaque on the house where he was born in High Street.

It was also a time of prejudice as some characters have to either hide their identity or their character, for fear of prison or worse. There was a deserter from World War I and also a homosexual man. Others were judged for something they were not – a single mum is rumoured to be a working girl. Appearances were everything. The modern reader is so glad that we have moved on from these times so that people are free to be who they want to be.

I thoroughly enjoyed New Neighbours For Coronation Close. It was the perfect snapshot of a moment in history. I always love Lizzie Lane’s books.

I received a free copy via Rachel’s Random Resources for a blog tour. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


New Neighbours for Coronation Close

Bristol 1936

Jenny Crawford has resigned herself to a loveless marriage living hand to mouth with their two children. Like many others, husband Roy struggles to find work at the docks but a chance encounter turns his outlook and the family’s fortunes around.

Not only does he get regular work but they are also allocated a council house on Coronation Close on the outskirts of the city. Jenny and the children are overjoyed, this is the fresh start she could only ever dream of.

But trouble feels never too far away. With Roy spending more time away with Sir Oswald Molesey bullying black shirts, Jenny is left to her own devices and eager to fit in begins to make new friends.

Thankful of peace, Jenny has her head turned firstly by an old love and then by her knight in shining armour.

Does she allow herself to fall in love with either of these?

Whatever happens the consequences could be dire if Roy ever finds out.

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Author Bio –

Lizzie Lane is the author of over 50 books, a number of which have been bestsellers.  She was born and bred in Bristol where many of her family worked in the cigarette and cigar factories.  This has inspired her saga series for Boldwood The Tobacco Girls.

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