This Life by Jennifer Rodewald

Beyond Belief

This Life by Jennifer Rodewald is a marvellous contemporary novel. It is the fourth book in the Murphy Brothers series but can be read as a stand-alone.

There are seven Murphy brothers. In this book the focus is on Jacob and his wife Kate. The novel is about learning to draw closer to God and discovering what it really means to be rich beyond measure.

Wealth is never about worldly riches. Worldly riches are “trappings of wealth and luxury.” They ensnare us as we chase the next thing we must have. Worldly riches distract us from being truly rich and knowing God. When our stuff overwhelms us, we often relegate God to the bottom of the pile. We think that we do not need Him as we attempt to stand in our own strength. The truth is that if our foundation is not built on God’s world, it will crumble and we will fall. We need to declutter our lives and remove what separates us from God. We should push into God first thing in the morning. We should thank Him last thing at night. And we should press into Him every minute of every day. There is never a time when we do not need God.

Success as measured by the world means nothing. “Success could be empty.” The measure of success in God’s kingdom is relationship with God and with people around us. We need to treat everyone as a friend and as a child of God.

Happiness is not supposed to be linked to our stuff. There will be too many highs and lows as we chase the next new thing. “I thought happiness was a destination.” Happiness is a journey. Happiness is linked to joy. Joy comes from knowing God.

Sometimes we believe we are not good enough for God to see us. “God simply did not have time to hear someone of her insignificance.” God hears us all. He sees us all. Sometimes we have to meet God in our pit of despair. “God had met her in the darkest places.” When we know God, we are rich beyond belief.

This Life was a powerful book about reigniting relationships with God and with others. We need to strip away the stuff and meet God.

I love this Murphy Brothers series. Jennifer Rodewald writes heartfelt stories that deal with relevant issues that impact us all.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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