Tag Archive | Murphy Brothers

Season Of Memories by Jennifer Rodewald

Of Mercy And Grace And Love

Season Of Memories by Jennifer Rodewald is the most charming Christian novel and the nineth book in the Murphy Brothers series. It can be read as a stand-alone but I recommend reading the previous books first for maximum enjoyment.

This book concentrates on the Murphy brothers parents who have been married for forty years and had seven boys. On the surface, life looks ideal but it hasn’t always been that way. The marriage had a rocky start but God was faithful. “One should delight … in the goodness of God.” Sometimes it is not always easy to see God in the middle of the storm. “She wanted to spit out a pray harder because it’s not working.”

Throughout life’s struggles we can see the goodness of God when we look backwards. “Life was uncertain but God was unchanging.” In the tough times we see that “God works in hard places.” When we are in a pit, we can be sure that God is right there with us.

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Morning By Morning by Jennifer Rodewald

With Forgiveness And Love

Morning By Morning by Jennifer Rodewald is a charming contemporary Christian novel. It is the eighth book in the Murphy Brothers series but can be read as a stand-alone.

The book deals with the themes of loss, adjustment and new beginnings. We see two broken families, grieving what has gone before – one family lost a mother to cancer, the other had a philandering husband. Children and spouses are hurting. They need to press into God and trust His faithfulness to see them through.

In the darkness of life, it is easy to think that God has abandoned us. “God is still with my family, isn’t He?” God walks with us in the dark. “Don’t lose eyes that look for God’s grace in the darkness.”. His grace is sufficient for my weakness. Great is His faithfulness.

God wants us to be truthful with Him. We do not need to pretend we are ok when we are not. He wants our honesty and our hearts. “I think God would rather hear my questions… than have me retreat into an angry silence.” We need to keep communication open.

Life throws us challenges and hard times. We cannot change that but “You can choose how to respond in life.” We can respond in bitterness or love. Jesus asks us to live a life of love.

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Who You Are by Jennifer Rodewald

Trust God

Who You Are by Jennifer Rodewald is a powerful contemporary Christian novel that focuses on our life choices and the results. It is the sixth book in the Murphy Brothers series but can be read as a stand-alone.

“Life is a series of choices, and those choices become our legacy.” We always need to choose wisely because there are always consequences to our choices. Our choices reflect who we are.

The novel has the theme of wealth. When we love money and power, no good can ever come of it.

“Make me pretty and popular. So I can be happy.” Happiness does not come from external circumstances. Happiness is internal, being satisfied with who we are in God.

Church is important. We cannot do life alone. We need to surround ourselves with other believers. “After three weeks without attending church, [he] knew he needed spiritual nourishment.” When we miss church, we drain our spiritual battery. We need to keep ourselves topped up by going to church.

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Stubborn Love by Jennifer Rodewald

Grounded In The Promises Of God

Stubborn Love by Jennifer Rodewald is a delightful contemporary Christian novel and the fifth book in the Murphy Brothers series. It can be read as a stand-alone but I enjoyed catching up with familiar faces.

This book reveals the importance of trusting God completely. In the good times we praise Him. In the bad times we praise Him because God is good and can be trusted even when life is bad.

God walks beside us in all the seasons of life. In our anger and our pain we may not see Him but that does not mean He left us alone for He promised to never leave us nor forsake us.

There is the theme of courage. Courage is often just doing it afraid.

There are some who seem fearless. Sometimes fearless equates to reckless with disastrous consequences.

We all have dreams. When life throws us curve balls, sometimes our dreams must change.

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