Tag Archive | Tony Bassett

Seat 97 by Tony Bassett

Exciting & Gripping

Seat 97 by Tony Bassett is a marvellous contemporary murder thriller that captured my attention from the start.

Tony Bassett has cleverly constructed and well executed a complex plotline that intrigues the reader from the start.

All the characters are well drawn with likable leading ones and some very menacing criminals.

The story is set in London. The reader travels from posh mansions to the seedy, violent underworld of the belly of London criminals. We witness ruthless gangland bosses, grieving widows and the relentless search for the truth.

A newspaper reported teams up with the local police as he gains access and knowledge in places they fail to. Between them, they are determined to crack the case, solve the murders and see justice served.

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Out For Revenge by Tony Bassett

Fast Paced & Exciting

Out For Revenge by Tony Bassett is an exciting contemporary crime novel that intrigued me from the start. It is the fourth book in the DCI Roscoe and DS Roy series but can be read as a stand-alone.

This is a novel that requires you to remain on high alert as you read. The plotline is intricate and well thought out. As we read, we cling on to the action as it twists this way and that.

All the characters were well drawn. There were unscrupulous villains and hard working police officers who relentlessly pursue the bad guys, whether they are inside or outside the force.

A rumor of corruption means cards must be played close to the chest. The circle of the trustworthy is small. We witness the loyalty of some outside the police force who put their lives on the line.

All the action is set in the Midlands – mainly around Birmingham, Solihull, Coventry and the Warwickshire and Worcestershire countryside. As a local girl, I was familiar with most of the locations which enhanced my reading experience.

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