Tag Archive | The Postcard

The Postcard by Carly Schabowski


The Postcard by Carly Schabowski is a powerful dual timeline novel that totally consumed me.

The action is set during World War II and in 1999 in a small town that straddles the German/Polish border. It is a heartbreaking read as we hear of the horrors that the Poles suffered. As the novel opens in 1937 life is carefree and there is a gaiety as Germans and Poles exist side by side. As war looms, the atmosphere becomes oppressive as the Poles are hunted down and persecuted.

There are those who cannot stand idly by. “I don’t want to be like the others. I don’t want to do nothing, say nothing.” Unfortunately, youthful enthusiasm fails to project forwards to anticipate the consequences of actions.

The reader travels to Bergen Belsen as we witness the absolute horrors of mans inhumanity to man. We ‘meet’ Janek, a brave Pole, who sees goodness even though He walks through hell on earth. He believes that as long as we take control of our minds, we can never be in captivity. The Nazis can take bodies but not minds, without permission.

Lives have been held captive by thoughts of bitterness and unforgiveness. One can never live in freedom until forgiveness is given.

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The Postcard by Fern Britton

Sibling Rivalry

The Postcard by Fern Britton is a contemporary story surrounding two sets of siblings and secrets from the past. It was a wonderful entertaining read that had my pulse rising as I read towards the conclusion.

Families can be messy affairs – a melting pot for jealousy, hurt feelings and sibling rivalry. This is explored within the pages of The Postcard.

Everyone has secrets. Secrets can become a burden over time. They need to be shared or they will break the person carrying them, with their weight.

The novel delved into the topic of mothers. They come in different forms and can make or mar a child. There are several within the book.

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The Postcard by Leah Fleming

A Mother’s Instinct

PostcardThe Postcard by Leah Fleming is another masterpiece from a wonderful story-teller. It is an epic tale spanning almost a century. The Postcard deals with love and loss, war and peace, and over it all is the love of mothers.

The action is set over several countries – Scotland, England, Egypt, Germany, Australia to name but a few. Within The Postcard fact meets fiction and is woven into a fabulous novel.

The novel is told in the third person from several viewpoints. The reader really gets to know the characters who are all realistically drawn. Leah Fleming really has a great talent for creating characters that come alive and live inside the reader’s head.

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