Tag Archive | Ross King

The Fall by Shari Low & Ross King


The Fall by Shari Low and Ross King is a contemporary thriller suspense and the final book in the Hollywood Thriller series. I had not read the previous books and found this could be read as a stand-alone. However, I would recommend reading the previous books first as I did get a little confused at times.

The novel is mainly set in Hollywood where it is glitz and glamour, truth and lies, dog eat dog. There are those who use their power to corrupt – and seemingly get away with it. It takes bravery and tenacity to stand up, investigate and seek to right the wrongs.

Life in Hollywood, in the spotlight can be challenging. We see the desire of characters to return to their roots.

The reality of Hollywood is that it is not real. It is all for show. “None of it is real and you don’t need it to be happy.” Fame and fortune will ultimately never satisfy as you are only as big as your last hit.

Grief threatens to sink. “It hurt just to breathe, just to exist.” There is the longing for things to be just as they were. The pain of grief cuts like a knife.

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