Tag Archive | Philippa Pearce

The Battle Of Bubble And Squeak by Philippa Pearce


The Battle Of Bubble And Squeak by Philippa Pearce is an entertaining children’s novel, just perfect for ages eight years and over.

The reader meets Bubble and Squeak who are two gerbils in need of a new home. All the family, except Mum, want to keep them. All they need to do now is to convince Mum that she wants to give them a home!

All the book is well presented. I loved the illustrations.

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Tom’s Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce

Time No Longer

Tom’s Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce is a delightful children’s classic. Its timeless appeal will win readers from all ages.

I had seen the BBC adaptation as a child, and more recently, the movie but I had never read the book until now. It is such a charming read. I loved it.

The novel straddles time as two very different worlds collide when the clock strikes thirteen.

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