Tag Archive | Michael Joseph

After Beth by Elizabeth Enfield

Life Everlasting

After Beth by Elizabeth Enfield is the most beautiful contemporary novel that will tear your emotions to pieces.

It is a bittersweet story about love and life and grief – all three are naturally interwoven after tragedy strikes.

When death comes unexpectedly, there are a variety of emotions as those grieving re-examine events on the day, and the ‘what-ifs’ and the guilt begin to rule minds.

After Beth is a beautiful study of grief. It overwhelmed my soul whilst filling my heart with empathy and love.

The whole book is a work of great love, and with great love comes great pain. Memories rather than flesh and blood must keep us warm. Life goes on and those left behind have to learn how to smile again and to live again.

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Behind Closed Doors by Catherine Alliott


Behind Closed Doors by Catherine Alliott is a marvellous psychological suspense that will have you glued from the start.

Catherine Alliott has created a perfect cast of eclectic characters. The leading lady really brought out the mothering instincts in me – she was kind and caring, recovering from years of domestic abuse.

Catherine Alliott has sensitively portrayed a damaged marriage with the husband and father wielding the psychological power. The fall-out of the abuse has far reaching victims. The reader witnesses how years of abuse have effects that blur the truth and the lies, so deep is the trauma.

We witness a dreadfully tormented soul who is wracked with guilt that is undeserved.

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