Tag Archive | Karin Slaughter

Girl, Forgotten by Karin Slaughter

Complex And Well Executed

Girl, Forgotten by Karin Slaughter is a contemporary crime suspense that drew me in from the start.

It is told in two time periods – present day and 1981. The action heats up as the roots of present day crimes lie firmly in the past.

A group of friends from 1981 all protest their innocence – but someone must be lying. Someone knows the truth of what happened on that fatal night. What will it take for the truth to come out?

Secrets and lies have been circulating since 1981 after terrible crimes were committed. Someone is trying to bury the past. And someone is determined to uncover the truth so that history will never repeat itself.

The plotline is complex and well executed. The reader is kept on their toes as the action alternates in time.

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The Good Daughter by Karin Slaughter

Opening The Box

The Good Daughter by Karin Slaughter is a contemporary murder thriller that will have the reader consumed from the start.

The action is set in present day and twenty eight years earlier. Bit by bit the reader pieces together what happened earlier as we understand how lives were altered.

One day, frozen in time, impacts today and tomorrow. Many lives and the whole town were caught up in the fall-out.

The novel shows how our choices impact our lives. “Bad choices, bad deeds can corrupt you.” We will always have the choice to do the right thing.

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