Tag Archive | JE Solinski

Charlie’s Christmas Adventure by J.E. Solinski

Just Enough

Charlie’s Christmas Adventure by J.E. Solinski is a delightful contemporary Christian YA novel that will warm your heart whatever your age. It follows on from Meet Charlie and is perfect for ages ten years and over.

In this book we learn the true meaning of Advent and Charlie learns what it means to be a true friend.

The reader witnesses Charlie’s heart growing as she looks out for others. Where Charlie sees a need she tries to meet it. Just as Jesus tells us, Charlie gives gifts anonymously not looking for any glory.

Christmas is a time for giving gifts. Charlie realizes that the value of a gift is not in monetary terms, sometimes it is giving a gift of time.

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Meet Charlie by J.E. Solinski

Behold I Stand At The Door And Knock

Meet Charlie by J.E. Solinski is a perfectly charming Christian YA novel for ages ten years and over.

Whatever your age you will enjoy meeting Charlie and discovering what true friendship is and what it is not.

Charlie goes to church and memorises Bible verse. She is very good at this but fails in the application of putting Jesus’ words into action. She is judgmental and competitive, being realistically flawed. She is likable and easy to relate to. A week away at Bible camp opens her eyes to humility.

As Charlie’s preconceived ideas come crashing down, she learns that true friendship is based on internal character and not external appearances.

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A Matter Of Control by J.E. Solinski

All To Jesus I Surrender

A Matter Of Control by J.E. Solinski is a powerful Christian contemporary novel set in Detroit. The focus of the story is some teens and their teacher.

The area is one of poverty and drugs. It is a black neighbourhood where the residents are invisible to many. One teacher sees all her students. She wants to help them to achieve and succeed in spite of their backgrounds. She can be seen as a motif for God who also sees us all and longs for us to live our best lives.

It is ironic that with her huge heart, the teacher fails to see her own son. Having given him all material comforts she fails to see the hurting personality that lies beneath.

The characters are all well drawn and realistic. The reader’s heart breaks for those who are trapped through no fault of their own. “A young man who yearned to be loved, and wanted to learn.” No one is truly ‘bad’ but some have made bad choices even though they have hearts of gold and eyes that see others.

Knowing Jesus alters lives. “Despite the poverty that surround them, they had such a sense of peace.” The richest people are those whose hearts are fully surrendered to Jesus.

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