Tag Archive | Debbie Howells

The Shape Of Your Heart by Debbie Howells

Grab Life – And Live!

The Shape Of Your Heart by Debbie Howells is a charming contemporary novel that follows a character on a journey through grief.

Grief is not a linear route, there are ups and downs, good days and bad days. No one person’s journey is the same as anyone else.

The journey through grief can be lonely. We need to let others in.

Grief is closely tied in with guilt. “Is it wrong to imagine being happy again?” We fear that if we laugh, we are being disloyal to our loved one. Our loved ones don’t want us to lock up our heart and live in the past. They want us to just glance at the past in our rearview mirror and then move forwards into the future.

Within the book a character walks the Camino way in Spain. It is a journey of discovery as a life is examined along the way.

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The Girl I Used To Be by Debbie Howells

Breathtakingly Beautiful

The Girl I Used To Be by Debbie Howells is the most beautiful contemporary book that will fill your heart with love.

The book is a celebration of love. Love comes in many forms. True love requires self-sacrifice. True love sometimes means letting go. True love is what will always remain.

We witness parental sacrificial love. This requires us to put our children’s well-being and happiness above our own. Love goes the extra mile for those we love.

Within the book there are two marriages in trouble and a long-lasting one that has stood the test of life.

The action is set over twenty years, alternating between present day and times in the past, moving forwards to collide with present day. We see the action from alternating points of view.

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