Tag Archive | Coastal Lights Legacy

Rekindled Light by Marilyn Turk

Shine Your Light

Rekindled Light by Marilyn Turk is a charming Christian historical novel and the fourth book in the Coastal Lights Legacy series but can be read as a stand-alone.

The story is set in 1869 and the American Civil War is over. However there is still a residue of suspicion between neighbours as sides chosen in the war, loom large in memories. It is a time to put the past behind and to move forward into the future.

Losses in the past still remain in hearts. “Sometimes people get so stuck in grievin’, they quit livin’.” A life is on hold, unable to move past a moment in time.

Family is important. Family includes servants who are loyal and loving. There is a wonderful atmosphere of love within a household.

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Redeeming Light by Marilyn Turk

All God’s Children

Redeeming Light byMarilyn Turk is a marvellous Christian historical novel. It is the third book in the Coastal Lights Legacy series but can be read as a stand-alone.

The novel is set in 1875 in a small Florida town with a fort. The reader witnesses the reaction of the townspeople to the arrival of the Native American prisoners. Some are fearful and do not trust them. Others see the beating heart beneath and reach out with love and care.

Clothes and upbringing do not make a man. There is far more kindness and compassion within the Native Americans than within the so-called civilized white people. Souls are seen and connected with as hearts are opened in friendship. The reader is reminded that God looks at our inward character far more than our outward appearances.

In contrast to the open-hearted Native Americans the reader witnesses the judgment and under-handed dealings of some of the townspeople.

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Revealing Light by Marilyn Turk

Shine His Light

Revealing Light by Marilyn Turk is a delightful historical Christian novel. It is the second book in the Coastal Lights Legacy series but can be read as a  stand-alone. I enjoyed catching up with familiar faces. This book is set in 1883, twenty two years after book one and follows Sally Rose who was just a baby in the previous book.

There is the theme of identity. Jim Crow laws forbids mixed race marriages in the South. This forces a character to hide who she truly is. It is also an alien concept to her as she was brought up in the North. “Colour didn’t matter where she grew up.” It is also plain wrong and was one of the issues the Civil War was fought over.

Life has been hard and a character has drifted from God. “I thought God had forsaken me… so I decided I wouldn’t bother Him anymore.” God never leaves us but walks with us through all the seasons of life. In times of desperation, a character decides calling out to God really is the only option.

We are called to live out God’s Word. “Both men knew the Word. And lived it.” To truly walk in the way of Jesus is very beautiful to witness.

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Rebel Light by Marilyn Turk

Shining His Light

Rebel Light by Marilyn Turk is a charming Christian historical novel and the first book in the Coastal Lights Legacy which promises to be fantastic.

The setting is 1861 in the American south. It is a time of turmoil as the American Civil War begins. There is a question of trust as neighbours and friends choose sides.

God loves all His children and He can be trusted. He commands us to love our enemies and to pray for them. Within minds, the enemy builds up to be monsters. “So this is what the enemy looks like. She had not expected him to appear so normal.” The enemy is just the same as you and me.

A uniform and rank should mean trust. But clothes do not make a man. There are some unscrupulous men within the book.

Likewise going to church does not make people Christian. A heart change and a life surrendered to God are the hallmarks of a Christian.

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