Tag Archive | Carrie Fancett Pagels

Behind Love’s Wall by Carrie Fancett Pagels

Revealing The Past

Behind Love’s Wall by Carrie Fancett Pagels is a charming dual timeline Christian novel that will warm your heart. It is part of the Doors To The Past series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Carrie Fancett Pagels always writes the most delightful novels. My heart always leaps for joy at a new offering from her as I settle down for a few hours of pure hours of escapism into the most beautiful settings. As with previous novels Behind Love’s Wall is set on Mackinac Island surrounding the Grand Hotel. It was lovely to meet up with characters from previous books. As I found out in this book, the Grand Hotel was the setting for one of my favourite films, Somewhere In Time. This enabled me to perfectly picture the opulent setting and served to enhance my reading experience.

The action takes place in 1895 and present day in alternating chapters. The characters are linked by family lines.

Within both time periods there are parallel themes as characters search for the truth surrounding their family lines. We all need to know who we are and where we come from. Family is important. We all want to belong and be loved.

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Butterfly Cottage by Carrie Fancett Pagels

Perfectly Delightful

Butterfly Cottage by Carrie Fancett Pagels is the most delightful contemporary Christian novel that will warm your heart as you follow one summer through the eyes of three generations of women.

There is a wonderful bond between grandmother, daughter and granddaughter. Their love radiates outwards to encompass the reader as they share life in the family cottage.

We witness the partnership and love of a fifty year old marriage. The couple bounce dialogue off each other and are as much in love as when they first got together.

In contrast we see a marriage explode and unravel, hurting the innocent party.

The reader sees the power of God to heal the hurts in mind and body. “There’s no problem too deep that God can’t fix.” We just need to let Him into our lives. God longs for us to draw close to Him. He is in the business of healing, working through both miracles and medicine. We see the importance of seeking medical help when needed.

God longs for us to commune with Him. He is always just a prayer away. “Dawn closed her eyes and asked God for help.”

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Dogwood Plantation by Carrie Fancett Pagels

Trust And Hope

Dogwood Plantation by Carrie Fancett Pagels is a fascinating Christian historical novel set in the South in 1814. There are factual details around which the author has woven her tale.

America was at war with the British. A character has been invalid out of the navy, retaining a bad leg. He reminds me of St Paul in the Bible who had to contend with a thorn in his side. The novel shows that the state of our heart is more important that the state of our body. The injury is a reminder to keep trusting and praying that all will be well, to keep the faith with God.

The subject of slavery is always abhorrent to a modern audience. The owners within the novel desire to free the slaves and send them North. There is a beautiful friendship and a meeting of hearts regardless of hierarchy.

Yellow fever has robbed characters of loved ones. It is no respecter of wealth or status and is feared by one and all. Much like coronavirus is today.

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The Great Lakes Lighthouse Brides Collection by Various

Search And Rescue

The Great Lakes Lighthouse Brides Collection is a wonderful Christian historical collection of seven stories set in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. The stories are united in their settings and themes – search and rescue. This reminds the reader that God is in the search and rescue business. He searches for us until He finds and rescues us from a life of disconnection from Him. He rejoices when we are found. I loved the references to books that were around at the time too. A perfectly delightful set of stories.

Anna’s Tower by Pegg Thomas is a delightful tale that has its base in historical facts. The story is about encouragement, kindness and facing our fears. Hearts and homes are opened up to strangers. Men are rescued, reminding the reader that God wants to rescue each and every one of us. A tale to warm your heart.

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