Singles & Spice by Elaine Spires

Vibrant, Colourful, Fun

Singles And Spice by Elaine Spires is a delightful contemporary novel. It is the second book in the Singles series but can be read as a stand-alone.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time as I joined the characters on a package tour to India. Elaine Spires writes with passion, knowledge and enthusiasm as the sights and sounds of India came to life. I could almost ‘see’ the vibrancy of the colours, ‘smell’ the spices and ‘feel’ the heat. My senses were assaulted in a good way.

All the characters were well drawn and realistic. They were an eclectic mix of various ages, mainly over the age of fifty, and varying personalities. There were both seasoned travelers and newbies.

We witness the patience needed to be a tour guide as well as the ability to deal with all sorts of problems.

Going on holiday seems to lower the inhibitions of some as we witness some outlandish behaviour.

I thoroughly enjoyed Singles & Spice. I think it would make a marvellous movie – colourful and vibrant. It was a fabulous, fun and entertaining read. I look forward to more package tours from Elaine Spires.

I received a free copy via Rachel’s Random Resources for a blog tour. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


Singles and Spice

A singles’ holiday to India’s Golden Triangle – Taj Mahal, the pink city of Jaipur, tiger-spotting in Ranthambore, the noisy, crowded streets of Delhi – all go to make up a trip that is hot, humid and spicy. Eve Mitchell, Travel Together’s tour manager extraordinaire has a couple of familiar faces in her little group of travellers and others that she hasn’t met before; sexy man-eating pensioners, a compulsive over-eater, a constant whiner and a man with a personal problem. And there’s a big surprise awaiting someone -and Eve – early one morning. By the end of the tour, which sees our group travelling by coach, rickshaw, train and elephant, she will know rather more about some of their innermost secrets than she’d like. But Eve deals with all the twists and turns the trip throws at her as we come to understand what makes people travel the world with a bunch of complete strangers and appreciate the success that is a singles’ holiday

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Author Bio

Elaine Spires is a novelist, playwright and actress. Extensive travelling and a background in education and tourism perfected Elaine’s keen eye for the quirky characteristics of people, captivating the humorous observations she now affectionately shares with the readers of her novels. Elaine’s Singles’ Series has its roots in her background as a tour manager for a UK tour operator.

Elaine also writes plays and her short film Only the Lonely was made by Dan Films and won the Groucho Club Best Short Film Award 2019 and two Silver Awards at WOFFF 2019.

Elaine is waiting for a film-maker with vision to turn the Singles Series into films or TV dramas.

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