Tough Crowd by Andi Osho

The Main Event

Tough Crowd by Andi Osho is a wonderful contemporary novel about family, friends and love.

Family is important. There are many different types of family. We see one where the matriarch rules the roost, with a poison tongue. Vicious barbs still hurt a life, even as an adult. It requires courage to stand up and speak out.

We see a split family where each parent is doing their best. As a new girlfriend of a single Dad, it is hard to be accepted by the family. Clashes with a teen are inevitable. Trying too hard to appear in control takes its toll. It is okay to ask for help. We need to be brave enough to be truthful when life overwhelms.

We follow characters trying to break into the comedy circuit. It’s a difficult nut to crack, but being anecdotal and true to oneself is always good advice.

All the characters were well drawn, likable and realistic. We see the action in the first person from the point of view of the leading lady. She is a blend of bold and sassy, with a vulnerability that is easy to empathise with.

I thoroughly enjoyed Tough Crowd. It was the perfect way to spend a couple of afternoons.

I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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