Never Forget You by Fiona Lucas

A Beautiful Love

Never Forget You by Fiona Lucas is a powerful contemporary novel about love. It is a love that just sinks into your heart and soul. It is also about grief and finding yourself.

There is a great love that is selfless and just keeps on giving. Sometimes you meet a person and you just know that they are your soulmate.

With grief comes guilt. There is a guilt about things left undone. This guilts blindfolds a soul to all the good they have done.

We see characters who have unique gifts that need nurturing and not squashing. We see that these gifts can make a soul feel really alive.

Family is important. Family loves us and sometimes knows us better than we know ourselves.

There are the difficult themes of gaslighting and love bombing. The reader recognizes these from the outset, and our heart breaks for a character. We are crying out for an already fragile soul as the person becomes even more lost.

Names are important. Names signify a change in character. Nicknames speak of a close bond.

The clean, fresh air of a Scottish town contrasts with the stifling air of London.

All the characters are well drawn and realistic. Most were likable but one elicited feelings of dislike. Fiona Lucas guided our responses with her words.

Fiona Lucas is masterful at her craft. I completely lost myself in Never Forget You and read it in just one sitting. Despite some very upsetting themes, the overriding feeling is one of love and care. Never Forget You is basically a novel about a beautiful love, and it is that that sinks into the reader’s soul. I always love Fiona Lucas’ novels.

I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.

A word to the reader: If you are affected by any of the themes, please tell someone and get help. You do not have to struggle alone.


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