The Girl Behind The Wall by Mandy Robotham

Continuing Life

The Girl Behind The Wall by Mandy Robotham is a compelling historical novel set in the early 1960’s in Berlin as the wall went up to divide the East from the West.

Mandy Robotham has perfectly captured the atmosphere of fear and confusion as Berliners are trapped on either side of the wall. “They are Berliners, first and foremost.” United by the city but divided by the wall. “As the wall climbs higher, life as we know it comes crashing down.”

The reader witnesses the courage of one young woman determined to see her sister. As the tension rose, so did my heart rate.

All the characters were well drawn and realistic.

Life continues to press forwards no matter which side of the wall you inhabit.

As a child of the 1960’s I remember the divide in Berlin until the wall came down in 1989. This book has awakened memories in me from the news reports of my childhood.

I really enjoyed The Girl Behind The Wall. It was both exciting and educational.

I received a free copy from Net Galley. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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