More Than This by Marion Ueckermann

Stuck In A Rut

More Than This by Marion Ueckermann is the most charming contemporary Christian novel that will warm your heart. It is part of A Rustic Falls Romance series and is in the box set of Love’s Treasure.

Marion Ueckermann always writes wonderful works grounded in God with realistic, likable characters who face relevant problems. It is refreshing to see the two lead characters are in their fifties.

In the novel we see the importance of having God at the centre of all our relationships. We witness a marriage that is drifting. “How could they work on fixing a marriage they’d never realized was more than a little broken?” In our busyness and our routines sometimes we take our loved ones for granted as we witness two lives passing by like ships in the night. Marriages take time and work. We need to invest into them.

God knows just what we need . As He sees our busyness destroying us, He may remove us. “Had they somehow lost touch with each other somewhere between the busyness of city church life and raising two daughters and a son?” Sometimes we can be so busy working for God and for others that we neglect those closest to us.

The big city was squeezing the life out of a couple. The reader meets them in their new small town life. The town is warm, welcoming and caring. There is a spirit of generosity – both of goods and of time and most importantly of prayer.

As a crisis hits, the people pull together. A town stands side by side offering support as a rescue is underway. This can be seen as a motif for our lives – we fall into sin, become dirty and stuck, and need rescuing from ourselves. God swoops down and rescues us from our lives of disconnection from Him. No matter how dirty we are, He holds us close and loves us.

Animals turn a house into a home. A new Puli puppy will steal your heart as he fills empty arms.

I adored More Than This. It made me smile and left me feeling good.

I will leave you with a powerful quote:

“Time is the single most important thing you can give to your wife, your children.”

I received a free copy from the author. A favourable review was not required. All my opinions are my own.


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