Springs Of Love by Various

Feel Good Tales

Springs Of Love is a collection of three delightful tales that will warm the reader’s heart and make them feel good.

The Kissing Bridge by Laura V Hilton is a delightful start to this Amish trio. With themes of faith, trust and God’s plans, the reader is in for a real treat. “We are not saved by joining the Amish church… we’re saved by faith.” Buildings don’t save people, only God does that. Seeking Him first and listening for His voice are the best way to live life. There is the difficult topic of violence due to anger issues. The tale is covered by love – both human and divine. A wonderful read.

Sold On Love by Rachel J Good is a delightful tale with lovable characters including an accident prone eight year old. I chortled at some of his antics. The story deals with insecurities, the past and having the courage to speak the truth. A truly delightful read. Including recipes was a lovely touch.

Cowboy And Amish Girls by Thomas Nye is a marvellous tale with characters who good naturedly spa with each other. Having horses in common bonds the characters. Everyone has different talents that they use to help each other. A wonderful feel good tale to end the collection.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.



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8 thoughts on “Springs Of Love by Various

    • Hi, Paula,

      So glad you like Christian blogs. I’ve found Julia’s to be awesome. She does a wonderful job of finding the deeper themes in stories and adding her own encouraging spiritual lessons. It’s well worth reading.

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