Finding Hope In Savannah by Melissa Wardwell

God Never Left

Finding Hope In Savannah by Melissa Wardwell is a wonderful Christian romantic suspense. I absolutely loved it and was hooked from the start. The crime drew me in and then the characters took up residence in my heart.

God is faithful. He never abandons us even though we may abandon Him. “He has never turned His back on you, even when you turned yours on Him.” He waits for us to return to Him. Once we have known God, we realise that we have a God-shaped hole that only He can fill. “I want what you have. I want peace.” This peace can only be achieved by knowing God and receiving His peace that passes all understanding.

Prayer is shown to be important. Pray in all circumstances especially in those times when you feel most out of control. Hand the driving seat of your life over to God.

There are the twin themes of fear and trust. If one trusts God, there is no need to fear. Fear steals our joy and robs us of our future. “You are lookin’ behind you so much you are missin’ what is goin’ on in front of you.”

Family and belonging are dual themes. Family does not have to be blood ties but people who love you. Home is not necessarily a physical place but a place where you feel loved. “Home is not the place where you live but the loving arms of those who love you.”

There are the themes of grief and loss. In our grief we may lose sight of God. “No thunder. No whisper, nothing. God had no reply.” God’s silence is never His absence. He is always working for us. Sometimes our hurt is so great that we erect walls around our heart, pushing others and even God away. The walls designed to protect us have the effect of isolating us. We need to break the walls down and let love in.

God is a God who chooses not to remember our mistakes. He offers us a new life and a new beginning and forgives us our past.

Finding Hope In Savannah was the perfect blend of romance and suspense. I alternated my mood from one of light heartedness to nail biting. The plotline was superb and held my attention. The characters were realistic and lovable. Everything combined to produce a fabulous read which I can highly recommend.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.



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