Hope In My Heart by Alexis A Goring

Sweet Stories

Hope In My Heart by Alexis Goring is a collection of three sweet stories that will warm your heart. They all have delightful settings and are just perfect for an afternoon’s read.

Love Unexpected tells of finding love when one is not looking for it. There are the themes of new plans, family, good friends and new beginnings. This tale will leave you with a smile on your face.

The Best Gift shows how important it is to put God first and surrender to His plans for our lives. Family, friends and faith make up this charming tale.

Peace And Love follows three different individuals who are searching for different things. God is at the centre . There are the themes of identity, family and giftings in this wonderful tale.

All three have made for a delightful, relaxing afternoon’s reading.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




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