Tag Archive | Sovereign Justice

Sovereign Justice by Sarah Sawyer

Seeking The Truth

Sovereign Justice by Sarah Sawyer is a powerful Christian historical novel. It is the fourth book in the Choctaw Tribune series but can be read as a stand-alone. I recommend reading the previous books first for maximum enjoyment.

I enjoyed meeting up with familiar faces. The leading lady is very much a strong modern woman of her time. She seeks truth and justice and is prepared to go the extra mile in its pursuit. She believes “a woman’s place is wherever God puts her.”

Being in touch with God means listening to His voice and being attentive. “If you really feel its what the Creator has called you to do, then do it.” God’s plans are the best for our lives. If we follow His plans, we will not fail.

Prayer is important. “God, help me… She didn’t know what to pray.” When words fail us, God hears our hearts.”

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