Tag Archive | She Walks In Power

She Walks In Power by MaryLu Tyndall

All For One And One For All

She Walks In Power by MaryLu Tyndall is a marvelous Christian historical fantasy adventure. It is the first book in the Protectors Of The Spear series which promises to be fabulous.

Life is a spiritual battle. There is so much more than we can see, hear and touch. The powers of God wrestle with demons. “When the night horrors come, read this [God’s Word] aloud.” We need to defeat evil with faith and by standing firm on the Word of God. At His name the demons will flee – fight the enemy by saying the name of Jesus.

The action is set in the Middle Ages. At this time the Bible was in Latin and it was believed that a priest was needed to quote the Word of God. We do not need anyone to stand as a bridge between us and God because of the sacrifice of Jesus. We can boldly approach God’s throne. “You don’t need to pray to a dead saint nor pay for your sins.” We need no third party. We can go straight to the Father because of the Son.

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