Tag Archive | MaryLu Tyndall

She Walks In Love by MaryLu Tyndale

More Than We Can See

She Walks In Love by MaryLu Tyndale is a Christian medieval adventure with the love of God at its heart. It is the second book in the Protectors of The Spear series but can be read as a stand-alone.

This is a novel that will consume you from the start as you journey with the characters through the novel. It is a good old fashioned fight against evil.

Life is a spiritual battle. There is so much more than we can see, hear and touch. The forces of darkness rage against the light but the light still shines in the darkness. The darkness will not reign as God has already defeated it. Some battles cannot be won by pure physical strength alone. We need to put on the armor of God, stand firm and remember His truths. There are “entities that could not be defeated by sword or arrow, but only by the Word of God and the name of Jesus.” Prayer is our most powerful weapon. “Lord if you’re there…” Jesus walks alongside us and is only a prayer away at all times.

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She Walks In Power by MaryLu Tyndall

All For One And One For All

She Walks In Power by MaryLu Tyndall is a marvelous Christian historical fantasy adventure. It is the first book in the Protectors Of The Spear series which promises to be fabulous.

Life is a spiritual battle. There is so much more than we can see, hear and touch. The powers of God wrestle with demons. “When the night horrors come, read this [God’s Word] aloud.” We need to defeat evil with faith and by standing firm on the Word of God. At His name the demons will flee – fight the enemy by saying the name of Jesus.

The action is set in the Middle Ages. At this time the Bible was in Latin and it was believed that a priest was needed to quote the Word of God. We do not need anyone to stand as a bridge between us and God because of the sacrifice of Jesus. We can boldly approach God’s throne. “You don’t need to pray to a dead saint nor pay for your sins.” We need no third party. We can go straight to the Father because of the Son.

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Charity’s Cross by MaryLu Tyndall

Pirates, Preachers and a Faithful God

Charity's CrossCharity’s Cross by MaryLu Tyndall is book number four in the Charles Towne Belles series but can be read as a stand-alone as I had not previously read anything by MaryLu Tyndall. It is a Christian historical romantic adventure full of swash buckling pirates and preachers and maidens in need of rescuing.

One of the main themes is that of trusting God. Charity used to trust God but life to her, seemed to show that God was untrustworthy. “She had assumed God had abandoned her years ago.” Charity feels alone and trusts no-one. She feels that she can only rely on herself, but she is wrong. God is the One she needs to lean on, she just needs to open her eyes and realise that, as she is told “All you can do is follow God the best you can an’ trust He loves you.” Will these words ever impact Charity?

Tied in to trust, is that of prayer. Charity has prayed to God but He seems silent. She doesn’t recognise His hand in her life. Now she doesn’t pray. “‘We will pray for him’… ‘I don’t pray.’ ‘It doesn’t matter.'” God always answers prayers, just not always in the way we expect Him too. I am sure we can all empathise with Charity. God hears all our prayers, even the prayers we utter but don’t believe in ourselves.

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