Tag Archive | Seconds To Live

Seconds To Live by Susan Sleeman


Seconds To Live by Susan Sleeman is a fabulous contemporary Christian suspense that will grab the reader’s attention from the start. It is the first book in the Homeland Heroes series and I cannot wait for the rest.

The characters were well drawn, realistic and likable. They are not perfect but realistically flawed with character traits that are easy to empathise with.

Susan Sleeman has created a complex, well thought out plotline. Computer hacking combines with murder and intimidation. Multi agency law enforcements are needed. The reader is consumed from the first page.

There is the question of trust. The reader and characters must view some with suspicion but God can always be trusted. We need to “trust even when you don’t feel like it.” We cannot see the bigger picture but God can. He asks us to trust Him in the dark.

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