Tag Archive | Ronie Kendig

Fury by Steffani Webb (introduced by Ronie Kendig)

Fast Paced Thriller

Fury by Steffani Webb, introduced by Ronie Kendig is a fabulous Christian suspense that I really enjoyed. It is the fourth book in A Breed Apart: Legacy series but can be read as a stand-alone. I enjoyed hearing about familiar faces.

Steffani Webb has produced a tense thriller that had my heart racing and teeth clenched as I read through the fast-paced action.

The novel is mainly set in Abu Dhabi but also briefly in America. It is easy to picture the hot, dusty atmosphere as we alternate between glitz and glamour with grey, barren rooms.

All the characters were well drawn and easy to empathise with. Fury, aa working dog, is a character in his own right. Whilst being potentially dangerous, he is a big softie with those that he trusts.

We see the importance of trusting God, even when God seems silent. “God hasn’t abandoned me, even if I feel like it sometimes.” God is always beside us. He never leaves us to face life alone. His plan is best. We can trust God in the dark as well as in the light.

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Riot by JJ Sammie Myles & Ronie Kendig

My Guardian

Riot by JJ Samie Myles & Ronie Kendig is an exciting contemporary Christian suspense. It is part of A Breed Apart series but can be read as a stand-alone. I enjoyed meeting up with familiar faces.

Riot is the canine member of a SEALs team who has been retired but still has the hunger to work. He is fearless, brave and loyal, prepared to defend his master at all costs. He is a major player in the story and certainly one of my favourites.

 Combat leaves scars. Sometimes they are physical and sometimes mental. PTSD needs help to recover from but it needs to be recognized by the individual first, and for them to admit that help is needed.

Survivors guilt drags characters down. “Why did he get to live when they were all dead? Why, God?” Sometimes we will never know the answers but we owe it to the fallen, to live well and in their memory.

Forgiveness is a theme. Sometimes we cannot forgive in our own strength and we need to tap into God and forgive in His strength. We do not know how a person will respond when we give forgiveness – but that is not our business. That is God’s. He will deal with their heart. Our job is to forgive and leave the rest to Him.

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Chaos by Ronie Kendig & Steffani Webb


Chaos by Ronie Kendig and Steffani Webb is an exciting contemporary Christian suspense that I really enjoyed and could not put down. It is the second book in the series A Breed Apart: Legacy but can be read as a stand-alone.

The leading characters include an ex-marine K9, Chaos, who is very much a personality in her own right. She is unswervingly loyal and will protect those in need, whilst simultaneously tracking down the bad guys.

There is a chemistry between the two main characters. Both are strong personalities who begin by rubbing each other up the wrong way! Both, like Chaos, are loyal and relentless in their pursuit of justice.

We travel from domestic America to the jungles of the Philippines. As the vegetation becomes more thicker, the tension also rises, as we track down and chase the villains.

Our upbringings shape the adults we become. A childhood tragedy means a character is very protective and determined that no one will be lost on their watch. Other events have also shaped lives.

We see how desperation can cause characters to get caught up in events they never intended. Good guys can become corrupt if they stay silent when they should speak up.

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Havoc by Ronie Kendig

Loyal & True

Havoc by Ronie Kendig is a fabulous contemporary Christian suspense. It is the first book in the Breed Apart: Legacy series and I cannot wait for subsequent books.

The reader follows military dog Havoc and his ex-soldier owner. Although they were both invalided out of the military, they still both possess their skills. A simple acting job quickly becomes much more as both man and dog revert to type, putting their military training back into action.

Havoc and his owner work in partnership. Both can predict the other’s moods. Havoc, a large Malamute, whilst fiercely protective and loyal to his handler, still needs to be treated with caution. Their bond is beautiful to witness.

The past influences actions in the present. Previous hurts have made characters wary of forming new relationships. Cautiousness is sometimes mistaken for aloofness.

We all need a relationship with God. When the chips are down, a character presses into God with prayer. For another, it takes a dire situation, for the realization that the God, whom her friend believes in, is real.

God looks at us and He sees us. “He saw me. Not my name. Not my family.” God sees us just as we are. He looks at us and He loves us and He calls us His children.

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