Tag Archive | Make You Feel My Love

Make You Feel My Love by Robin Lee Hatcher

Beauty From Ashes

Make You Feel My Love by Robin Lee Hatcher is a charming Christian dual timeline that will warm your heart and soul.

The action alternates between present day and late nineteenth century as we follow stories linked by ancestry. Both stories have themes echoing each other. Both stories tell of God who is faithful, urging us to choose faith not fear.

There is the theme of forgiveness. It is not always easy to do but it is vital for our well-being.

In both tales there is the theme of domestic abuse. It takes many forms, not just physical but verbal too. “Chelsea covered her ears … trying to shut out the voices from the past.” We need to silence the hateful words from the enemy and listen to the life-affirming voice of God.

When life is hard, we see that God is still faithful. “Nothing we go through is wasted in God’s economy.” We learn our greatest lessons at times of greatest trial.

“I wasn’t looking for God.” We do not need to be looking for God in order to be found by Him. When He comes knocking on the door of our hearts, we need to invite Him in.

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