Tag Archive | Kristy Cambron

The Painted Castle by Kristy Cambron

United Down The Years

The Painted Castle by Kristy Cambron is a delightful Christian novel and the third book in the Lost Castles series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Once more Kristy Cambron has taken historical detail and facts and woven a marvellous tale. The novel is a triple timeline story being set in 1843, 1944 and present day. The focus is Framlingham in Suffolk and a private painting of Queen Victoria. Similar themes and a mystery unite the tales down the years.

There are a wonderful mix of characters. I certainly had a favourite. See if you do too.

War touches every aspect of society in 1944 as lives are both protected and torn apart. Huge hearts open homes to those in need. The desire to nurture and protect is strong.

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Castle On The Rise by Kristy Cambron

Let The Music Play Again

Castle On The Rise by Kristy Cambron is the most marvellous Christian tale of patriotism, rebellion and bravery. “Men who seek freedom must be prepared to die for it.” It is the second book in the Lost Castle series but can be read as a stand-alone.

The action is set in Ireland over three distinct periods – present day, 1916 and 1798. The chapters alternate as the reader gets a glimpse into the troubled Irish history. There is a link down the ages for the reader to follow. Traditions, history and the troubles all combine in one first class novel.

There have always been tensions between the English and Irish down the years. Ireland has been a melting pot and when it boils over, a blood shed revolution occurs. Families are torn apart as they have to choose between English roots or Irish loyalties.

Friendship is important. “Friends – they’re the family we get to choose.” Good friends support each other through thick and thin. We get to write our stories in partnership with God. “Something God was crafting behind the scenes” but our stories are ours to tell.

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The Lost Castle by Kristy Cambron

Writing The Next Chapter

The Lost Castle by Kristy Cambron is the most delightful Christian historical and contemporary romance. Like a cosy sweater, Kristy Cambron’s stories just cocoon the reader from start to end.

The novel has a triple timeline mainly set in France – late eighteenth century, 1941-1944 and present day. As the story unfolds, the reader takes great delight in travelling through the time periods.

The stories are linked by strong, brave women. Women who are educated, know what they want and will go to extraordinary lengths to get it.

Love never dies. The love stories are beautiful. Love and legacy last down the years. Our lives are as they are because of those who have gone before.

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The Illusionist’s Apprentice by Kristy Cambron

Overcoming The Darkness

The Illusionist’s Apprentice by Kristy Cambron is a wonderful Christian historical novel. It is set in the early part of the twentieth century moving from Boston to London and back again. Kristy Cambron weaves a fabulous story that had me hooked from the start. Fact and fiction bump into each other within the book’s pages.

The novel is told over several different time periods as the action bounces backwards and forwards. The reader is teased bit by bit as more of Wren’s background is revealed.

Wren is an unconventional woman of her time. A modern thinker with a caring attitude who flourishes in a man’s world. Her blend was most appealing.

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