Tag Archive | Janie Juke Mystery

A Notable Omission by Isabella Muir

Stepping Back In Time

A Notable Omission by Isabella Muir is an historical novel set in 1970. It is the fourth book in the Janie Juke Mystery series but can be read as a stand-alone.

The novel was very atmospheric. Comprehensive descriptions of the décor really evoked memories of the early seventies. It was brash. It was loud. It was very in-your-face and has been perfectly captured by Isabella Muir.

The main theme was about equality for women – but there was inequality in other areas too. We see a young woman still excluded from the friendships formed a while ago in school. Other women were in marriages of unequal partnership as we hear of domestic abuse and jealousy.

There is a disappearance and a close call with death to be investigated. Are they linked? Or is it a pure coincidence? Now is the job for both the police and a pair of amateur super sleuths to find answers to the questions.

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