Tag Archive | Erynn Newman

Out Of Darkness by Erynn Newman

No Lies, No Leaving

Out Of Darkness by Erynn Newman is a contemporary romantic Christian thriller and what a fabulous read it is. It will have you guessing. It will have your pulse racing and your jaw dropping as you get completely caught up in the action.

The presence of God in all our lives is important. He is the source of all we are. We need to live for Him and be examples for others and lead them to Jesus.

Praising God in the storm is vital. “After all He’d taken from her, she was thanking Him.” With God, there is always something to be grateful for. It is especially important to praise Him when we least feel like it. Praising God lifts our eyes off our circumstances and places them firmly on Him.

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First Light by Erynn Newman

Of Love And Grace

First Light by Erynn Newman is an enchanting Christian romance spanning fifteen years from the early 1990’s. It is a little book that sets the scene for future books.

First Light is about young love. It is about unfailing love – unfailing love from a person and unfailing love from God. “He (God) was there all along, calling me home… I tried to drown Him out with drinking and partying… but all the time He was there… waiting.” Sooner or later we all have to answer the call and come home to God. God, who will never let us down and never let us go.

The novel has love emanating from its pages. It sinks into the reader’s soul. The words were beautifully written. The novel was heartfelt. There are no words to adequately express just how far the novel penetrated into my very being. You need to experience First Light for yourself.

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