Tag Archive | Canadian Crossings

The Brightest Of Dreams by Susan Anne Mason

God Will Restore

The Brightest Of Dreams by Susan Anne Mason is a delightful Christian historical novel set in 1919. It is the third book in the Canadian Crossings series but can be read as a stand-alone. I enjoyed meeting up with familiar faces.

The story surrounds the plight of Dr Bernardo’s children who were sent from the orphanages in England to Canada. Not all the children were orphans, some were in the homes due to their parents falling on hard times. Permission to take the children overseas was not obtained. It was a shocking time in history. Susan Anne Mason has woven a marvellous fictional tale around the facts.

The reader is reminded that God wants us to take care of the widows and orphans. There are some huge hearts within the novel who open up their hearts and homes to others and who do not judge them.

There are the themes of guilt and forgiveness. Deathbed promises made before World War I intervened did not materialize. A character is weighted down with guilt and needs to forgive the face in the mirror.

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The Highest Of Hopes by Susan Anne Mason

His Masterpiece

The Highest Of Hopes by Susan Anne Mason is a most charming Christian historical novel and the second book in the Canadian Crossings series. It can be read as a stand-alone.

Susan Anne Mason has created a wonderful set of characters who will warm the reader’s heart. There are cameo appearances from characters from book one which enhances the feeling of familiarity for the reader.

The year is 1919. The leading lady is searching for her father in a quest to belong and be loved. What she fails to realise is that God, her perfect Father, already loves her and has given her a home in Him. The family she searches for are flawed, they have their own agendas. Our true family is not always found in blood relatives but in the arms of those who love us.

World War I left its scars. Some are physical, others are mental. “Nobody really won in a war… It ate at your soul long after the gunfire had faded.” Shell shock was just beginning to be known and treated. “The horrors in his head were something he might never be able to erase.” There are some sights we can never ‘unsee’, but we can learn to manage the effects.

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The Best Of Intentions by Susan Anne Mason

Family First

The Best Of Intentions by Susan Anne Mason is a perfectly charming historical novel and the first book in the Canadian Crossings series.

The setting is 1919 as the world recovers from World War I and the Spanish flu epidemic which followed. So many families suffered losses.

The novel is about fulfilling a sister’s wishes and caring for her baby son. Babies have the capacity to soften hearts and help to heal losses.

There are the themes of guilt and earning love from a parent. One young man has been forever in his brother’s shadow, trying to earn the affections of his father. Now he feels guilty because he is the one left living when he knows he is his father’s second choice. The reader is reminded that God loves us all equally. There are no favourites in God’s Kingdom, neither do we need to earn His love. God loves each and every one of us unconditionally.

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