Tag Archive | Amanda Jennings

The Judas Tree by Amanda Jennings

Lasting A Lifetime

The Judas Tree by Amanda Jennings is a gripping contemporary psychological thriller that seeps into your very core.

It is tragic. It is heartbreaking. It is a powerful tale showing the affects of a traumatic childhood on adulthood. An event, so awful, it never leaves you. The timescale of a life is split into ‘before’ and ‘now’. There will never be an ‘after’.

A chance meeting as adults opens up terrible wounds as two characters find themselves returning to the scenes from childhood, in their heads. Others who were there have moved on.

We witness a marriage trying to recover from a miscarriage. The cracks in the relationship go far deeper.

A young man, mixed up as a child by a distant father and a boys boarding school, still believes the lies he was told that he is no good and not worthy of any good things in life. The voices from his childhood, echo in his mind, tormenting the adult he became.

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The Storm by Amanda Jennings

Gripping And Consuming

The Storm by Amanda Jennings is a marvellous contemporary psychological read that will consume your thoughts.

The action alternates between 1998 and fifteen years later from various points of view. The reader becomes completely caught up in it all. We know that there was a defining moment but we do not know when or what. As we read we search for clues.

Guilt consumes. Guilt ruins lives. When guilt and lies are all you know, the truth is hard to find. We must tell the truth in order to live in freedom. Only then can a character shed the chains of the past and move forward.

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The Cliff House by Amanda Jennings

Refusing To Let Go

The Cliff House by Amanda Jennings is a psychological novel that consumes from the start.

Set over the summer of 1986, there are several voices telling the story. At times the action overlaps as the reader experiences the action from different points of view. The story is punctuated by a voice in the resent.

The Cliff House is a disturbing read showing that all that glitters is not gold. “Everybody thought money made people happy… It didn’t matter how rich a family was if… they were broken.” A life that is polished on the surface has murky roots underneath.

The novel pulls the reader in as we witness the draw of the perfect life in the cliff house.

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