A Snapshot In Time
A Young Girl’s War by Sheila Nelson is a powerful account of the author’s experience of living in London during World War II.
Sheila Nelson was born in 1931 and has a vivid snapshot of memories of the war as it impacted her childhood.
Evacuated early on to Brighton proved to be a traumatic event. Although safe from any bombs falling, being isolated from her family was awful and Sheila Nelson soon returned home. Incidentally my Dad was also evacuated early on to Llandudno and he hated it, wrote letters home daily and was popped back on a train to Birmingham after just two weeks!
Whilst the author’s family house did not have any direct hits, her road did and therefore her house continually suffered damage such as the glass being blown out and doors being blown off hinges (coincidentally this happened to my Dad’s house too). At one time the family house was uninhabitable and Sheila Nelson’s family sofa surfed between relatives.
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