Nail Bitingly Good
Over The Edge by Michael Garrett is a compulsive contemporary Christian suspense that completely took over my life for a few hours! This book will deprive you of sleep, it is completely absorbing!
Michael Garrett is a masterful storyteller whose comprehensives descriptions paint the scenes in glorious Technicolor for the reader.
Michael Garrett chooses his words with care enabling the reader to reach a state of heightened suspense and tension as the novel progresses towards its’ climax – I must admit I did not see that one coming!
The handprints of God are evidenced throughout. “He’d [God] led her through… her life even when she ignored Him.” God has His hands on our hearts even though we do not realise it. God walks beside us, longing for us to notice Him.
“God had believed in her before she believed in herself.” We see the importance of loving the skin we are in. We need to see ourselves as God sees us.
Faith is important. We need to own our faith and be responsible. “Skipped daily Bible readings had become more frequent, her prayers shorter… A weakening faith caused an empty feeling.” Inside each of us is a God-shaped hole that only He can fill. We need to stay connected to Him. Daily Bible reading and prayers are the building blocks of our faith. “Still nagging at the back of her mind… was the anxiety of feeling her faith slipping away.” If we feel ourselves moving away from God, we need to re-centre our lives.
Whatever we face in life, God is there beside us. “She felt the comfort of her heavenly Father still watching over her despite her doubts.” Life may feel out of control. We may even doubt God but our feelings are an unreliable gauge when determining the presence of God. God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He will always be beside us whether we feel Him or not. God will give us an inner peace that passes all understanding despite outward circumstances. Life is not always good but God is always faithful.
There is the theme of forgiveness. Sometimes we need to forgive others. Sometimes we need to forgive ourselves. “Had she ever actually forgiven herself for her own sins.”
Names are important. A name change signifies a change in circumstances. When we come to Christ, He gives us a new name. He calls us Beloved.
The love of money and power is the root of all evil. When we are lured in by riches, our hearts are in the wrong place.
We witness the conflicting emotions of guilt and truth. Should she lie and stay safe? Or tell the truth and become the subject of a media frenzy that will also endanger her life? Michael Garrett reveals a conflicted soul through his words.
Using the literary device of pathetic fallacy, Michael Garrett shows how the weather mirrors the action as darkness becomes a cloak for under-handed activity.
The characters are wonderfully drawn and realistic. The leading lady, though small in stature is big in personality.
I absolutely adored Over The Edge. It was completely gripping. I was totally immersed in the action. Sleep took second place!
Over The Edge would translate perfectly into a Netflix movie – any producers out there please take note.
I cannot wait to read more by Michael Garrett. His stories entertain me as I ‘travel’ through the scenes.
Over The Edge is definitely suspense out of the top drawer.
I received a free copy. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.