Kind Hearts And Hands
The Red Cross Orphans by Glynis Peters is a marvellous historical novel set during World War II on the home front. I was completely consumed by the whole novel.
The reader follows the main character as she volunteers to be a Red Cross nurse. She journeys from Harwich to Birmingham up to Scotland and back down to County Durham. I loved that she did her training at the Q.E. in Birmingham as I am familiar with that hospital in my home town. None of the Red Cross postings are long term as the nurses go where they are most needed. I admired her bravery, sense of duty and strong stomach as there were some awful scenes during the Birmingham blitz.
There is a wonderful camaraderie between the three young recruits in Birmingham. Bonds formed are strong and friendships loyal.
There is a warmth within the novel as characters pull together to help the injured. Life is to be grabbed as there is no guarantee of tomorrow. This means that whilst there are still strong morals on the whole, there will always be those who play fast and free.
Glynis Peters is a fabulous author. Her descriptive passages really bring the novel alive for the reader. I particularly loved the snowfall in Birmingham and could ‘feel’ the fear of a stray enemy aircraft in County Durham.
War blights lives. Kind hearts open their home and heart to orphans in need.
I thoroughly enjoyed The Red Cross Orphans and cannot wait to read more by Glynis Peters.
I received a free copy from the publishers via Net Galley. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.