Something Worth Doing by Jane Kirkpatrick


Something Worth Doing by Jane Kirkpatrick is a marvellous Christian historical novel. The tale is woven around the true life of Abigail Scott Duniway, a champion for women’s rights from the mid nineteenth century.

The book is absolutely fascinating, a real treasure trove. Abigail Scott Duniway was an amazing woman who not only fought for women’s rights but raised a family on the frontier too.

The reader witnesses the strength needed to be a female pioneer. Life was incredibly hard on the trail and it took real strength to keep on going daily.

Life dealt losses. Everyone works through loss differently. No one size fits all. You have to work through loss the best you can.

The rights for women consumed Abigail Scott Duniway’s life. She campaigned tirelessly, sometimes to the detriment of her family. When she felt like giving up, she pressed on. She was tenacious.

Behind Abigail Scott Duniway was her husband Ben. Her supported her and loved her always.

We witness the power of words and of education. As a young teacher Abigail Scott Duniway believed “This schoolhouse was her arena to awaken minds to the possibilities…” Abigail Scott Duniway believed in encouraging others to dream, strive and achieve.

Equality was important to Abigail Scott Duniway. She lived in a land that fought a Civil War for the rights of the Negro race – although the reality was they would still be fighting for equality a century later. She believed in equality for all. Education and voting rights were the keys to unlock this dream that all men should be free.

I found the whole account mesmerising and inspiring. It was a fascinating read. I shall let Abigail Scott Duniway have the final word:

“No one knows what they can accomplish until they undertake it.”

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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