When I Lost My Way by Jennifer Rodewald

Here Is Love Vast As The Ocean

When I Lost My Way by Jennifer Rodewald is a powerful contemporary Christian novel about the vastness of God’s love.

The love within the novel is based on the love in 1 Corinthians: 13 – love is patient, kind and never gives up. Jennifer Rodewald has written about a love that perseveres – as the reader hears about a love between two brothers, a love between couples and the love of God.

The theme of the prodigal son runs throughout as we track the older brother from the tale. We see just how hard he works without realising he needs to surrender to God who longs to do life in a partnership with each and every one of us.

“Do not underestimate the power of the God who hears.” God wants us to want Him. He delights when we build our lives with Him. No matter how hard our lives, God can turn them around. “God takes the bad, and He turns it for good.”

There is the theme of trust. We pray to God but sometimes He seems silent. “Even in the… silence, she could trust Him.” We need to keep holding on. God will change our messes into masterpieces.

We are only responsible for our own walk with God. “A person is responsible for his own relationship with the Lord.” We can signpost others to God but the choice is always theirs. We all make choices and can only own ours, not the choices of others.

Going to church does not make us a Christian. “I’d die to think that you heard from me that church attendance equalled salvation.” Having a relationship with God and living out His love is what matters.

The novel is about community. It is a community that pulls together when there are needs.

I was reminded of the story of Ruth as I read – where you go, I will go. There is an air of love that covers the whole novel and it is beautiful to witness.

I adored When I Lost my Way. I read it in just one sitting. It is a beautiful novel about love vast as the ocean.

The whole novel can be summed up with this quote:

“Will you choose to love when it is hard?”

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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