Building A Family by Jennifer Slattery

Loved Completely

Building A Family by Jennifer Slattery is a delightful Christian contemporary novel that will leave you smiling.

The novel revolves around two small children in need of stable parenting. They have been abandoned by their parents but have other relatives wanting to parent them. There is so much love surrounding them. This reminds the reader that God surrounds us with an unconditional love and He longs to adopt us into His family.

There are the difficult topics of alcohol and drug abuse. People need help to heal. They also need to want to get better. We all deserve a second chance to have a fresh beginning.

When God places a dream in your heart, you should pursue it. “God didn’t put a spark in your heart just so it could fizzle out.” Sometimes life intervenes, but if God gave you your dream, you will succeed if you just keep focused on Him. Sometimes He changes our dreams. We need to always go with His plans. They are the best ones for our lives. If we are in doubt, we need to pray about it. Prayer is important.

Within the story there are interiors that are remodelled. This can be seen as a motif for our lives. When we say yes to Jesus, He moves in and remodels our life to be the best version of ourselves.

Jennifer Slattery has drawn a marvellous set of characters. They are all warm and welcoming, making the reader feel at home.

Building A Family was a charming read that makes you feel good. It was positively delightful.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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