The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier


The Silver Sword by Ian Serrailler is a powerful children’s historical classic written in 1956. It is a book that must be read so that the past is not forgotten.

The novel is set during World War II in occupied Europe, beginning in Warsaw. It follows the fortunes of a group of children with indomitable spirits who have to use their wits to survive as they travel to find family. They have a strong will and a hope that they will succeed. The small group show kindness for other lost children, and they receive kindness back. The majority of the novel follows the children but to set the scene the novel opens with what happened to their father. Nazi occupied Europe was a terrible place to be. It needed courage and a desire to live in order to have a chance of surviving.

I first read The Silver Sword as a child at primary school in the early 1970’s. It is a book whose impact has stayed with me down the years. I decided I wanted to reread it so bought a copy. It is still a powerful read and I read it in just one sitting. If you have never read The Silver Sword, grab yourself a copy… read it and then lend it to your children or grandchildren.

The Silver Sword is a children’s classic that has never gone out of print.


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